Hello and welcome to my home page. Since you’ve found your way to my web site, I should probably introduce myself. I’m Pete Matthews, 50, married to Claire, 2 children, Annie & Milo. And I’ve been juggling since I was eleven.
I primarily work on cruise ships. Really, really big ones! And they take me all over. In fact, if it’s got a coast, you can be pretty sure I’ve been there.
Now that’s done, let’s get on to the nitty gritty! From here you can take a look at some YouTube videos including the highest, that’s right, the highest diabolo throw you’ll ever see. And if you do find ANYONE throwing a diabolo higher, please let me know so I know where to send the heavies! Some lovely numbers ball bouncing and even an appearance alongside Lord Jeffery Archer!
What else, well there’s the photos page. I’ll be updating this constantly with pictures from around the world and some of the friends I’ve made along the way.
I tweet. For those of you that have been living in a cave, this means I have an X (formerly twitter) account and when I have something interesting to say, I tweet! I also have an Instagram account You can follow me on both @TheCrazyJuggler
I have a fan page on Facebook @CrazyJuggler
Hey you know what, have a look around the site, if you’ve got a picture of me or video send it across and we’ll get in on here. You never know, check the itinerary page, as I might be going where you are! And if I’m not, request me!
I also produce THE BIG BIG VARIETY SHOW. So far there’s been 4 of them, and they’ve raised over £20,000 for charity.
NOW AVAILABLE: I’ve produced some super brilliant juggling sets that come with 3 coloured scarves and instructions, a MEMBERSHIP CARD with your own personal password to a MEMBERS ONLY area of this web site where you’ll get to watch my FULL SHOW, historical (hysterical) television appearances, a lesson in juggling 1-3 scarves and 1-5 balls and some bonus tricks and out-takes! Drop me a line for more details.
I can also offer ZOOM shows and outdoor performances. Why not send everyone my juggling set, and I’ll join you for a ZOOM juggling lesson followed by your own private ZOOM juggling and comedy performance which can be tailored to you! Please email me for more details.